Web Services,SOA,everywhere.Well,it certainly has so much positive impact on current IT community and proving its worth being adopted by leading industry players such as IBM, HP, Oracle, Microsoft, Novell, and Sun for different Web Services products.Yes Iam talking about SOA-Web Services which are here to stay and look set to dominate the deployment of major enterprise applications in the coming years.
IBM’s definition of Web Services states that “Web Services are self-contained, modular applications that can be described, published, located, and invoked over a network, generally, the World Wide Web.” In one of my previous articles,Web Services Patterns we looked at the advantages provided by SOA applications.
When the definition refers to Web Services being invoked over the World Wide Web, it means that they use HTTP as the transport layer and an XML-based message layer. However, Web Services do not actually require HTTP—XML-formatted data can be sent over other transport protocols (message queuing, for example), which may be more suited to mission-critical transactions.
Web Services generally uses the HTTP and SSL ports (TCP ports 80 and 443, respectively) in order to pass through firewalls. In the early days of “Web Services,” vendors would say that their products were “firewall compliant.” This meant that firewalls would not block the Web Services traffic, whereas CORBA traffic attempting to use CORBA-specific ports may be blocked. Web Services make it easier to deploy distributed computing without having to open firewall ports, or having to “punch a hole in the firewall” as network administrators like to say. This “under the radar” deployment has serious security implications. Most firewalls are unable to distinguish Web Services traffic, traveling over HTTP and SSL ports, from Web browser traffic.
The word “Services” in Web Services refers to a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). SOA is a recent development in distributed computing, in which applications call functionality from other applications over a network. In an SOA, functionality is “published” on a network where two important capabilities are provided— “discovery,” the ability to find the functionality, and “binding,” the ability to connect to the functionality. In the Web Services architecture, these activities correspond to three roles: Web Service provider, Web Service requester, and Web Service broker, which correspond to the “publish,” “find,” and “bind” aspects of a Service-Oriented Architecture.
Web Services security focuses on the application layer, although security at the lower layers remains important. The implementation technologies on which we focus are HTTP and SOAP, although we will keep SMTP security in mind also since SOAP can be bound to SMTP as well as HTTP.It may not seem immediately obvious why security for SOAP presents such a challenge. After all, SOAP is generally bound to HTTP, which already has SSL for authentication and confidentiality. In addition, many Web authorization tools already exist. It is a reasonable question to ask why these aren’t enough, and the answer is made up of a number of reasons.The first reason is that, although frequently bound to HTTP, SOAP is independent of the underlying communications layers. Many different communications technologies can be used in the context of one multi-hop SOAP message; for example, using HTTP for the first leg, then SMTP for the next leg, and so forth. End-to-end security cannot therefore rely on a security technology that presupposes one particular communications technology. Even in the case of a single SOAP message targeted at a Web Service, transport-level security only deals with the originator of the SOAP request. SOAP requests are generated by machines, not by people. If the Web Service wishes to perform security based on the end user, it must have access to authentication and/or authorization information about the end user on whose behalf the SOAP request is being sent. This is the second reason for Web Services security.
SOAP is a technology used to enable software to talk to other software much easier than was previously possible. End users (that is, humans) do not make SOAP messages themselves. However, if access to the Web Service is to be decided based on the information about the end user, the Web Service must have access to the information that allows it to make this authorization decision. This information does not have to include the end user’s actual identity.How can this information about the end user be conveyed to the Web Service? Session layer or transport layer security between the application server and the Web Service doesn’t convey information about the identity of the end user of the Web Service. It merely conveys information about the application server that is sending the SOAP message. It may be the case that many of the requests to the Web Service originate from that application server.This challenge is addressed by including security information about the end user in the SOAP message itself. This information may concern the end user’s identity, attributes of the end user, or simply an indication that this user has already been authenticated and/or authorized by the Web server. This information allows the Web Service to make an informed authorization decision.This scenario is likely to be widespread where many Web Services are used to implement functionality “behind the scenes.” It shouldn’t be the case that the end user has to reauthenticate each time a SOAP request must be sent on their behalf. The challenge of providing this functionality is sometimes called “single sign-on” or “federated trust.”
WS-Routing provides a means for SOAP messages to route between multiple Web Services. WS-Routing defines how to insert routing information into the header of a SOAP message. This routing information can be thought of as equivalent to routing tables that operate at lower layers of the OSI stack for routing IP packets.WS-Routing means that one SOAP message may traverse multiple SOAP “hops” between the originator and the endpoint. The systems that implement these hops may have nothing in common apart from the ability to parse and route a SOAP message.When routing between Web Services, the requirement for confidentiality can apply from the originator through to the final SOAP endpoint. It may be a requirement that information be kept secret from SOAP intermediaries. There may be a chance that intermediaries may disclose the information either deliberately or through leaving “gaps” between one transport-level security session and the next. While the data is decrypted, it is vulnerable. This is the same problem that plagued the first release of the Wireless Access Protocol (WAP), in which data was decrypted in between the wireless encryption session and encryption on the fixed wire. This so-called “WAP gap” caused a loss of confidence in WAP security and was addressed in later releases of the WAP specification. Implementing encryption only at the transport level makes a “SOAP gap.”It is often noted that most security breaches happen not while data is in transit, but while data is in storage. This is the principle of least resistance—attempting to decrypt eavesdropped encrypted data from an SSL session is much more difficult than simply testing if a Web site maintainer has remembered to block direct access to the database where the credit card numbers are stored. If decrypted data is stolen from a database, the consequences are no less dramatic. Once data has reached its final destination, it must be stored in a secure state. Confidentiality for a SOAP transaction should not involve simply chaining instances of confidentiality together, since “SOAP gaps” of unencrypted data are available between each decryption and encryption.
Web Services Security Specifications
Confidential information in a SOAP message should remain confidential over the course of a number of SOAP hops.A number of industry specifications have been developed for this purpose. These specifications can be organized into two distinct categories:A standardized framework to include XML-formatted security data into SOAP messages.Standards for expressing security data in XML format. This security information should be used for the high-level principles of security: confidentiality, authentication, authorization, integrity, and so forth.
WS-Security has emerged as the de facto method of inserting security data into SOAP messages. Work on WS-Security began in 2001, was published by Microsoft, VeriSign, and IBM in April 2002, and was then submitted in June 2002 to the OASIS standards body in order to be made into an industry standard. WS-Security defines placeholders in the SOAP header in order to insert security data. It defines how to add encryption and digital signatures to SOAP messages, and then a general mechanism for inserting arbitrary security tokens. WS-Security is “tight” enough to present the definitive means of including security data into SOAP messages, but is “loose” enough to not place limits on what that security data can be.
XML Encryption
XML Encryption is a specification from the W3C. It provides not only a way of encrypting portions of XML documents, but also a means of encrypting any data and rendering the encrypted data in XML format. XML Encryption makes encryption functionality easier to deploy.XML Encryption is not a replacement for SSL. SSL is still the de facto choice for confidentiality between two entities that are communicating using HTTP. However, if the security context extends beyond this individual HTTP connection, XML Encryption is ideal for confidentiality. The capability to encrypt XML is nothing new, because XML is just text after all. However, the ability to selectively encrypt XML data is what makes XML Encryption so useful for Web Services. Encrypting an entire SOAP message is counterproductive, because the SOAP message must include enough information to be useful—routing information, for example. Selectively encrypting data in the SOAP message is useful, however. Certain information may be hidden from SOAP intermediaries as it travels from the originator to the destination Web Service.XML Encryption does not introduce any new cryptography algorithms or techniques. Triple-DES or RSA encryption may still be used for the actual encryption. XML Encryption provides a way to format the meta-information about which algorithm was used, and when the encryption occurred. This aids the Web Service in decrypting the data, provided the decryption key is available to it. This is important, because prior to XML Encryption the only standardization of encryption data was for e-mail messages (that is, S/MIME). If an organization wished to send encrypted data to another organization, both organizations would have to agree on the format of the encrypted data, how and which algorithms to use, and possibly also how to send an encrypted key. Now that information can be contained in an XML Encryption block.
XML Signature
XML Signature is a specification produced jointly by the W3C and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Like XML Encryption, it does not only apply to XML. As well as explaining how to digitally sign portions of an XML document, XML Signature also explains how to express the digital signature of any data as XML. As such, it is an “XML-aware digital signature.” PKCS#7 is a means of rendering encrypted data, and signed data, which predates XML Signature and XML Encryption. Rather than using XML, it uses Abstract Syntax Notation number 1 (ASN.1). ASN.1 is a binary format, renowned for its complexity. Producing or verifying a PKCS#7 signature requires not just cryptography software, but also an ASN.1 interpreter. XML Signature also requires cryptography software, of course, but an XML DOM replaces the ASN.1 interpreter.
The power of XML Signature for Web Services is the ability to selectively sign XML data. For example, a single SOAP parameter passed to a method of a Web Service may be signed. If the SOAP request passes through intermediaries en route to the destination Web Service, XML Signature ensures end-to-end integrity.WS-Security describes how to include XML Signature data in a SOAP message. An important feature of XML Signature is that it can be very selective about what data in an XML instance is signed. This feature is particularly useful for Web Services. For example, if a single SOAP parameter needs to be signed but the SOAP message’s header needs to be changed during routing, an XML Signature can be used that only signs the parameter in question and excludes other parts of the SOAP message. Doing so ensures end-to-end integrity for the SOAP parameter while permitting changes to the SOAP’s header information.
Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML) provides a means of expressing information about authentication and authorization, as well as attributes of an end user (for example, a credit limit) in XML format. SAML data may be inserted into a SOAP message using the WS-Security framework. SAML is used to express information about an act of authentication or authorization that has occurred in the past. It does not provide authentication, but can express information about an authentication event that has occurred in the past; for example, "User X authenticated using a password at time Y.” If an entity is authorized based on the fact that they were previously authorized by another system, this is called “portable trust.” SAML is important to address the challenge of multihop SOAP messages also, because separate authentication to each Web Service is often out of the question. By authenticating once, being authorized, and effectively reusing that authorization for subsequent Web Services, single sign-on for Web Services can be achieved.Note that this information in a SAML assertion may not indicate the end user’s identity. The user may have authenticated using a username and password, and the administrator of the Web site may have no idea of the user’s actual identity. It may simply be an indication that the user presented credentials and was authenticated and authorized. SAML allows information to be placed into a SOAP message to say “this person was authorized according to a certain security policy at a certain time." If the recipient of this SOAP message trusts the issuer of the SAML data, the end user can also be authorized for the Web Service. This SAML data is known as an “assertion” because the issuer is asserting information about the end user. The concept of security assertions has existed before SAML, and is already widely used in existing software.
XML Access Control Markup Language (XACML) is designed to express access control rules in XML format. Although the two technologies are not explicitly linked, XACML may be used in conjunction with SAML. An authorization decision expressed in a SAML assertion may have been based on rules expressed in XACML.
Microsoft’s Passport technology takes a different approach to single sign-on. The user authenticates to the passport infrastructure, either directly through www.passport .com or through an affiliate site that makes use of functionality provided by passport.com. Once the user is authenticated and authorized by Passport, their authentication status is also available to other Web Services that use Passport. Like SAML, this provides single sign-on. However, the model is different, relying on a central point of authentication rather than SAML’s architecture where authentication happens at an individual Web Service. By being implemented at the site of the Web Service itself, SAML authentication and authorization information may be based on role-based security. Role-based security means that access to resources is based on the user’s organizational role; for example, in a medical setting doctors may have access to certain information while nurses have access to different information.
In this article(from Web Services Security),I tried to just give an overview on the different specifications that can be used to achieve Web Services security,for a detailed understanding,I suggest get a good book like this one,"Web Services Security",to whom I owe these excerpts,and get a clear understanding as to implementing and using specifications for securing the web services you develop.And thanks to ,Mark O'Neil,for his inputs and allowing me to use some stuff from his book.
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